In 75 minutes, you understand some of the reasons & benefits

of Following Your God-inspired Calling

Step Into Your Calling Workshop:

Understand the advantages

of Following Your Calling

Unpack 3 to 5 Key Benefits

Explore 2 or 3 Obstacles

Get Clarity on Simple Next Steps

  • Click below for Coach Dale's brief welcome and workshop summary video

A Single Live Meeting

75 Minutes Duration

January 17th, 2024

11:00 am - 12:15 pm Central

Why should you attend the
Step Into Your Calling Workshop?

Over 30 years ago, in a moment of frustration, I spoke the phrase "this is just a JOB, not a CAREER." It was in that moment that my head finally recognized what my heart had been trying to tell me for some time: I was made for something bigger.

Over the next 30 years, I realized that what I wanted was bigger than career, passion, mission, or even purpose. Every time I got close to one of those, my heart would say "not big enough".

Finally in 2022, I understand that what I had started looking for 30 years previously was Calling -- specifically God's Call on my life. Now my Calling is to Inspire Calling and save YOU some of the years I went through!

Register today and take the first Step Into Your Calling!

Step Into Your Calling Workshop

In just over an Hour, You ...


Discover the power of your calling: Gain a deeper understanding of what a calling is and why it matters.


Explore the advantages: There are many advantages to Following Your Calling, we'll explore 3 to 5 where the majority of the people are interested.


Overcome the obstacles: Just as important as understanding the advantages, is knowing the typical obstacles that get in your way and having strategies to overcome them.


Plan simple next step: Leave with a simple step for your next part of your journey.


Recording: If you sign up on the next page, we'll email you a link to the recording of the event.

Does this sound like you?

Do you find yourself searching for your "Why", your "Purpose", your "Calling" but always end up feeling disconnected, unfulfilled, and detached? 

If so, you're not alone.

As a Christian, we know that our Great Commandment is to "Love God and Love Others as Ourself", and our Great Commission is to "Make Disciples". But have you considered your specific role within those overall precepts?

This is why we created this program. Through my own personal journey, I know what it feels like to struggle with finding that deeper meaning and direction in life. I also know what it's like to finally unlock that purpose and clarity, and feel that sense of joy and peace that comes with living in line with God's plan for your life.

This workshop is the first step of the full program, where you'll discover the tools and strategies to unlock your unique purpose and calling. You listen to your inner voice and connect with God's plan for your life. You rediscover your passions and confirm your strengths. You feel the power translating them into your purpose-driven life.

Don't settle for feeling disconnected and unfulfilled any longer. You were created with a unique calling, and it's time to discover it. Join the workshop today and take the first Step Into Your Calling.

What people say about

Coach Dale's Impacts


Andy Wood


Through the lens of a trusted, experienced friend and coach, the reader will find a host of practical ways to discover their own identity. I also love the fact that Dale is candid about which assessments or experiences were most useful to him. In this book you won't get lost in a sea of useless theory and you ABSOLUTELY won't be told what to believe about who you are. Instead, you're given a set of experience-traveled, grace-laced paths to your own journey.


Woody Huffines


If you are looking for a meandering exercise in theory with volumes of social science zeitgeist, you will not find it here. This is a useful and practical guide that offers wisdom and experience on the journey to finding your identity. It is grounded by and understand and faith in God. It offers a wide variety of testing resources; you can surely find one that articulates a 'map' of your self-conception if you approach the exercise honestly.


Sally Anderson


The Identity Key is sure to hit home as nearly everyone struggles to understand their identity at one time or another. Dale brings a coach approach with helpful insights and thought-provoking questions to explore various aspects of personal identity like calling, purpose, significance, and impact. Beyond his own content, Dale serves as a curator of resources to dive deeper into personal discovery as well as coaching or mentoring others.


Diane Dotson


We know God better when we know ourselves better. Dale has spent decades discovering who God has designed him to be and he has provided the rest of us with a handy guide for discovering more about ourselves. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to accelerate their own self-awareness. It's a journey worth taking!


Dave Barnes


I believe that Dale has a true heart of connection and a desire to help others know who they are so that they can continue on their journey to significance. By reading this book I think you will feel that connection and gain some tools to help you discover who you are.


Sam Morrison


This book does a great job of telling his story and allowing you to see the steps to take to learn the answer to the question, “who are you”. When you know the answer to that question you can then become a difference-maker in your own way.


Lana Bills


Knowing the distinctive qualities of my signature strengths will help me as I determine how to best align my gifts and abilities with organizations where my strengths will be best suited and used. This is a process I will definitely recommend to others.


Faith Varner


[It was valuable] having someone supportive, patient, and someone I could communicate with and understand. Coach Dale was pleasant, patient, and very easy to work with. I appreciate his patience and professionalism.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to understand the power of Calling - RSVP for the event now!

What SAM Morrison

Has to say about Dale

Live streaming

January 17th, 2024

11:00 am - 12:15 pm Central

Earnings disclaimer

You understand that our products, programs, and services are intended to provide information and education to assist you in attaining your goals.

You understand and agree that your success depends entirely on your business experience, motivation, and individual capacity. There are no guarantees of any kind as to your earnings and income.

The information provided is not intended to replace financial or legal advice.

You should consult an attorney, accountant, and/or financial advisor in your area who understands your particular business and financial situation so that you can take the right steps for you and your business or finances.